It's me

your profile! :D iem SIYA
currently studying in RVPS =l
born on the 7 OF APRIL

Current status

DULL . Skool gonna reopen soon .

My desires

what do you want? (:
put your wish list down here!




designer: shanne94
base code: miss secret
base image: deviantart;ashley425


Habbosoup Radio <3

Let it out

go to

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My blog sucks horh . ;p . Dun feel like uploading my pic . DAMN ugly
Anyways, woke up quite late . WOAH -
All i wan to say is tat iem BORED TO DEATH ~
My handphone inbox became deserted -
Kathys seems to vanish
Habbo having bugs
Wats life about ? LOLS .
And such a dull weather . * yawns *
Cousin today nvr come . EXTRA lonely
Bo games to paly , i wan quit maple . ( my attk sucks)
Habboinq is part of my life already .
I wan go escape wif friends leh ?! where they
Mystery yet to be solved ... HAIS !

«2:36 PM»


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hullo. Eh, today wake up DAMN LATE- bluchs.. 10am ?
Yesterday slept at 12am midnite ;p Woke up at 5am-.- then sleep again . WEIRDO <3
i hate little nyonang so scary . ;[ Die here die there so poor thing .
Uhhh .
Play habbo awhile nia , then went mapling -.- ! ( forced to becos iem bored to death already) Train two noobies . ;X Very hard lvl sia .
Then went to shopping centre eat lunch buy SOME christmas present ..
Santa claus is coming to town -
Hehe . I was shopping HALFWAY , then cousin sms wan go my house ._.
i say come bak home then come horh they nvr listen
They immediately go . LOLS
In the end they have to wait outside my house until iem bak .
One of them say wan BOX me . L O L !!!!
Play badminton becos ytd play com .
We secretly go take curry chicken . ( meant for dinner )
EH ? lame horh . then playplayplay watch tv >:l SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEP !

P.S How to put the words gt colour ?!

«10:36 PM»


Monday, December 1, 2008

Hmm . Long time bo post liao .
Too busy ? No la , actually iem very FREEEE -
Who ask kat so busy xD .
Currently habboqings . -YAWNS -
Tune in to Great.La . Song v.nice but the DJ sucks ( arghs ....)
WTF . listening to dj ie going FAINT !
Uh , btw habbo cnt trade ! Hmph .. cause so many trouble LOL .
Mayb this week then go escape with kat && zm . Hais .
Bored to death alr .
Christmas coming , the deco at shopping centre very nice horh ? ;p
Now short of $ >:l .
Btw cnt imagine sec skool ><
And , tune in to habbosoup ;p Try this btr than GREAT LA !
lols .

«12:44 AM»


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hellos , today went to takashimaya && paragon . LOLS . The deco this yr very ugly LOL . so-so lah ... show u pic wan ? Mayb 1 day put 1 photo los ... xD Habboqing all day and shoppinq is my hobby for weekend ;p p.s i think nvr take taka de photo . But take a look at paragon one . ;l

«9:15 PM»


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hehe .
Long time nvr post liao HORHS !!! ie was crazy over habbo ._. tats why NVR post .. Sum may think lame luhs .. But ie dun =]
And so , ie bought a lot of credicts liao .
Got a bf in habbo + a GENEROUS son . haha .
ie very lucky horhs ?
Btw ie went to marina barrage 1 week AGO !?
ie wan to post but no time ^^
Wanted to upload games in psp dunnoe how .
Waiting for KATHY to help me LOL .
Wats so fun anyway . Bored to death sia .

«8:58 PM»


Friday, October 24, 2008

Hey today was fun . ie spent THE DAY wif KAT .
^^ too bad she's flying in TWO DAYS TIME !!
No nid go skool SHIOK lorhs ... T.T sob sob she left me alone ..
=l Okok . Today we went to downtown EAST .
Actually we wanted to catch HSM3 !
But guess wat , TICKETS ALL SOLD OUT ! .. SIAO !
We rush from skool to here ... so haven eat LUNCH . We ate lunch then went SHOPPING ?
Went to look around . in the end ... WENT TO ARCADE > LOL !!!
So lame ... jkjk .
VERY FUN !!! we took PICTURES . very nice .
Next time then ie upload . =]
Cya .

«1:41 PM»


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yawns.. Morning everyone . o.0
Unfortunately TODAY is the last day of PSLE marking ...
Nooooo ie dun wan to go bak to skool .
Except sumone . -> Kathy tan . ^^ She going to JAPAN on SCHOOL DAYS ..
WTF , shuld bring me go along rites ? wat a fwends ... jkjk =]
Nobody came over liao . maybe dec holi then go out . ( my skool nt active one )
ie think ie would rather spend the day blogggging ? LOL . and mayb watch tv .
NVR forget , muz eat too . LAME . -.-
ie feel like breaking out of the skool && my house . Well, futher decision first .

«8:11 PM»